

Resumo do UPR lançado pela ISHR (International Service for Human Rights)
Angola reviewed under the UPR


On the afternoon of 12 February 2010, the UPR Working Group reviewed the human rights situation in Angola, which was represented by a small delegation headed by the Secretariat of State of Foreign Affairs, Mr Georges Chikoty. The majority of States complemented the achievements by Angola, with some recommendations and concerns focusing on the following issues:

• Ensuring freedom of expression, including protection of journalists and human rights defenders from intimidation, harassment and arbitrary detentions; decriminalising press offences; legal registration of civil society organisations; and broadening of access of broadcasting to private operators.
• Strengthening the status of women and children in the new Constitution. ensuring equal access to health, education, and employment; stablishing a law against domestic and gender-based violence; and decreasing maternal mortality and increasing women’s participation in decision-making.
• Increasing enrollment at primary and secondary schools; strengthening punishment against child abuse and child exploitation; eliminating discrimination against children accused of witchcraft, children with disabilities, and children born out of wedlock, as well as the need to establish a juvenile justice system.

• Excluding statements as evidence in court obtained by torture; preventing inhumane treatment of deportees, migrants, prisoners and refugees; and ensuring an impartial judicial system and access to justice by detainees and migrants.
• Increasing housing to low-income families and creating laws defining eviction and preventing illegal evictions.
• Enacting domestic law and drafting a national action plan against human trafficking of women and children.
• Ratifications of core human rights conventions including the Convention against Torture and its Optional Protocol, the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as strengthening cooperation with OHCHR, timely reporting to treaty bodies, and issuing standing invitations to special procedures.
• Establishing an independent national human rights institution in accordance with the Paris Principles.
• Right of privacy and fight against HIV/AIDS with suggestions to decriminalise consensual same sex between adults.
Angola used 30 minutes for its national report and responded to comments twice during the session. Around 56 States spoke, leaving seven States without an opportunity to speak.

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